First of all, let us start off by saying that the name of this book is one heck of a caption that can get anyone’s interest in a matter of seconds. A lost book, a precious one, that has been found, and it has all the ancient remedies to hundreds of health problems in it. That sounds interesting. The world has advanced since the ancient times, so much so that we are hung on technology and have forgotten how effective the gift of nature can be.
The Lost Book of Remedies contains original natural remedies to health issues. These remedies are based on organic medicinal herbs that have been around for quite a long time now. If you have been battling with health conditions without any substantial results, then maybe that is a sign from Mother Nature telling you to get back to the roots and herbs.

What Is the Lost Book of Remedies Program?

This is an e-book containing a host of information about natural herbs that are quite effective in treating health problems. Unlike the readily available modern medications that a lot of us are used to these days, the remedies described in this book treat the root of a health problem, not just the symptoms.
One interesting fact about this book is that it contains information on how to deal with almost, if not all, health issues ever conceived. When you use the contents of the book as directed, it does not just deal with a particular problem. It also deals with other issues you may not know exist.
Here is an example on anise hyssop, one of the wild plants used for varying treatments as stated in the book.
First, it starts with what anise hyssop is, giving a detailed definition of the plant, its properties, and its origin. Then it goes ahead to explain how to identify it by its physical and other properties.
It also explains the edible uses of this plant – that is how you can cook with it, use it in your tea, and so on. You would also find the medical uses and recipes for making essential oil out of it.
Some of the uses of this plant, as stated in the Lost Book of Remedies, include treatment for soreness, wounds, anxiety, cuts, burns, indigestion, diarrhea, herpes, respiratory infection, athlete’s foot, yeast infection, fungal skin infection, and poison ivy.

Story Behind the Program
This book is a journal from a medical doctor that took care of soldiers in the World War 2. He had accumulated information on how to treat health problems with nothing but natural herbs, which made him quite relevant during the war where there was a short supply of medications.
Years after the war, his grandson, Claude Davis, had access to the journal and used the information in it in his career as a medical doctor and survivalist. He did not keep the knowledge to himself. He shared it with the rest of the world, and that was how the book came to be.
According to Claude, the Lost Book of Remedies review can be passed down through generations to help develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as a healthier approach towards diseases.

What Is Included in the Program?

Once you start going through the book, you will notice that the contents are clear and consistent, talking about how you can create your medication out of nothing but natural plants. Aside from that, there are no forms of ambiguity in it. It is easy to read and understand, even for a child.
You will find information on how to grow certain herbs and plants that you can harvest when they are ready for your health benefit. There is also a list of some anti-inflammatory plants, their cultivation methods, and how you can apply them for certain health benefits.
It is a comprehensive guide of about 300 pages of health remedies for varying health conditions. The contents found therein have been used to treat health issues ranging from physical, emotional, and even psychological concerns.
You will not get a pack of herbs delivered to your doorstep when you buy this book. It is a digital product that contains vital information on how to find, identify, and prepare different plants for different purposes. You also get information on where you can find some rare plants, how you can harvest and prepare them, and what it should be used for.
Some of the conditions addressed in the book include the following:
- Respiratory problems
- Infections
- Bone conditions
- Dental issues
- Cancers
- Childhood diseases
- Digestive problems
- Drug addiction
- Reproductive issues in females and males
- Sight defects
- Gland health
- Heart health
- Kidney issues
- Problems in the nervous system

How Does the Lost Book of Remedies Work?
This book works like a normal digital book. It contains information on what natural plants can be used to cure certain health defects, how such plants can be found, cultivated, prepared, and how long it should be used.
In the Lost Book of Remedies review, you would most likely come across natural elements like the following.
Angry bear paw
Another name for this is cotyledon tomentosa or wild lettuce. It is an ancient plant with great health benefits. It was used to grant relief to hundreds of soldiers during World War II when the doctors ran out of medication.
To make this remedy, gather the leaves, grind them to a pulp, and boil them until the mixture turns brown. Extract the liquid from the mix by straining it, put the liquid back on fire in low heat, and boil again for another couple of hours or more until it becomes dark. It is a highly potent pain killer.
Red beak powder
This remedy, also known as crataegus, is made from the berries of the hawthorn tree. It is known to help with a variety of health conditions, especially for people that have to live on drugs for the rest of their lives.
Taking drugs for a long time drains a lot of energy, first from the liver, and then from the body. Red beak powder prevents the drastic side effects of these pills by melting away deadly cholesterol, lessens plaque in the arteries, and balances out blood pressure.
To prepare this remedy, remove and discard the seeds from the berries of the hawthorn tree. Add some water to the seedless berries, blend them smooth, and place the mix on a tray, spreading it out as thin as possible.
Let it dry at 200 degrees Fahrenheit in the oven and make sure that the oven door is open while it is drying. After about eight to ten hours, you will have a powdery residue, which can be taken orally by mixing with water, or in a capsule.
Log Man’s Mending Fur
Another name for this element is usnea barbata, or brandy. According to a certified herbalist, this plant remedy brought him back from the brink of death when he was battling with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
The plant contains usnic acid, a rare natural substance known to fight gram-negative bacteria like staphylococcus aureus better than most antibiotics. Grind an ounce of the plant, place in a jar, add five ounces of vodka, and then let it steam on low heat for a couple of hours.
Let it sit for another twenty-four hours and it is ready to be used. For your information, these remedies are taken in certain dosages and for specific reasons. Be sure to consult the Lost Book of Remedies reviews for specific instructions on how to use them effectively.

Pros and Cons of the Lost Book of Remedies Program

Now, let us look at the advantages and disadvantages of these remedies in this book. Truth is, as effective as they are, they come with some cons you need to know about.
- Effective remedies that bring about the most natural healing possible
- Encourages healthy lifestyle that is close to nature
- Contains verifiable information about natural plants and their effective role in the field of health
- Information contained in the book is very distinct and comprehensive with images to help with elaborations
- Provides easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions that can be adopted with ease
- The remedies are based on nature, which was the original source of synthetic medicine
- There are no known harmful side effects that come from taking these natural plants, unlike what is obtainable with the synthetic medicines
- Gives detailed information on how to grow the plants in your garden if you wish, how to harvest them, and how to prepare them, with the dosage
- The preparation process of any of the remedies take quite some time and can be a little tedious. It requires a lot of patience.
- Some of the plants mentioned in the book are not accessible, especially to people who live in the city. They may have to travel a long distance into the forest or prairie to get them, which is not so convenient.
- Not following the instructions exactly as they are in the book may result in adverse side effects.
- Some of the remedies are potent with strong effects that are not easy to.
Treating an ailment with the information found in this book may take some time to actually work in some cases, but with consistency, the patient would eventually see great results and enjoy some long-term benefits.
In addition to that, the Lost Book of Remedies reviews shows that the added bonuses are of great benefit. The bonuses include an 80 square feet SHTF medicinal garden and a daily disaster medicine guidebook.

The truth is that you may not understand how great this book is until you buy and use the information in it. You may not necessarily have a serious ailment like diabetes to need this book. It can be used as a day-to-day organic medicinal guide towards general healthy living for you and your loved ones.
If you are wondering if you could understand the terms in the book or where to find the rare plants, you should not worry about all that. The book was written in simple terms that are very easy to comprehend, and it also contains information on where you can find the rare plants.
It also contains information on how you can grow those plants in your garden so you would not have to go through stress whenever you need them.